Facts: In  September of 2018, a citizen of El Salvador came to the firm seeking help with her immigration case.

The Firm’s Representation:  Our client had had several other immigration lawyers representing her, but these attorneys were not able to get her into a legal status.  The firm noticed that she had been placed in deportation proceedings in 1993 and that her case had been placed in administrative closure for a very long time.  The firm also noticed that because the Order to Show Cause had not been properly served on our client, she was still eligible for suspension of deportation, which is a form of relief that had been repealed in 1997, but was still available to our client even in 2021.  The firm re-calendared our client’s deportation proceedings and asked the immigration court to schedule our client for a hearing on her application for suspension of deportation, which took a long time based on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Outcome:  On September 3, 2021, our client’s application for suspension of deportation was approved pending visa availability in the next two to three years.

Comments:  The firm prides itself on digging deep into our client’s immigration files and history to find avenues for relief that other attorneys miss.

The Law Offices Of
Timothy W. Davis, Esquire

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